May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Every year millions of people live with the reality of mental illness. The last couple of years of isolation, stress, and constantly wondering about what will happen have taken a toll on all of us.

There are many organizations available that can provide information and assistance in thinking about mental health. Mental Health America (MHA) is driven by its commitment to promoting mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention services for all. The National Alliance on Mental Illness, NAMI is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

Mental health is a huge part of our overall well-being. It impacts how we behave, connect with others, handle stress, and just live our daily lives. Everyone has mental health, and it deserves our attention.

Taking a vacation (or staycation) is a great way to manage your mental health. You can relax or have some adventure, or just discover what your feelings of yellow are. A great way to experience feelings of yellow is to snuggle into the comfort of The Naked Experience for a blissful night’s sleep.To help you prepare, we’ve put together some stress-free travel tips.

10 STRESS-FREE TRAVEL TIPS (additional tips)

  1. Free Cancellation - If you expect your plans to change, book a reservation that you can cancel without penalty. It also might be wise to get travel insurance for flights in this day and age.

  2. Plan your Journey - Alleviate the stress of getting lost by planning your journey from the airport to the hotel and vice versa, including transportation and parking, etc.

  3. Build-in Cushion Time - Minor mishaps can happen all of the time. Bake in some extra time before and after your journey to accommodate any hiccups or delays.

  4. Down Days - If you’re staying for an extended period of time, give yourself a “down-day” or time to fill in the gaps with rest, relaxation, or a new experience you forgot to factor in.

  5. Organize your Suitcase - Reduce the stress of traveling by using packing cubes or always organizing your suitcase the same way every time. It will make it easier to find what you’re looking for (or recognize what you forgot).

  6. Pack Light - The best way to manage what you pack is by cross-utilizing outfits and limiting what you bring to the “essentials.” Even better if you can manage to fit everything in a carry-on bag only.

  7. Keep Copies of your Passport - If you’re traveling overseas, keep a few copies of your passport in different locations - carry-on bag, checked bag, and wallet, for example (Memorize your passport number if you’re a frequent traveler to expedite custom forms).

  8. Take Advantage of Contact-Less - Most hotels, airlines, and rental companies will allow you to check-in online to expedite your arrival.

  9. Register for Security Clearance - Whether you have Clear or other memberships to expedite your way through security at the airport, this can save you time by skipping the long lines.

  10. Clean your House - this one may sound odd, but there might not be a better feeling than coming back from a long trip to a clean house upon your arrival.